By A. Lewis Gibson
When lottery researchers want to test a theory, it's a good idea to so some testing on some real data. Dissertation writing services; A typical scenario is to find occurrences of specific numbers in recent results.
Dissertation help; This article explains how to use VBA to accurately highlight specific numbers over recent draws.
8 19 26 29 30 33
2 9 12 22 35 39
6 9 12 19 20 31
5 16 20 22 27 29
18 20 35 15 31 2
3 19 20 27 31 35
Next, we need to consider the subset of data to analyse; in this example we'll take the last four lines. Finally, we need to define the numbers the code should look for.
Dim rng As Range
Next, we'll tell the VBA code how many rows from the bottom we want to use; we're telling it to look at the last 4 draws.
Also, we'll define the paremeters of the data, the number of columns and rows. This will help us create the data range.
myRows = 4
allRows = ActiveCell.End(xlDown).Row
allcols = ActiveCell.End(xlToRight).Column
startRow = allRows - myRows + 1
Now we can actually select the data. If you were to end the program here, you'd see the last four rows of data selected by the cursor.
add1 = Range("a" & startRow).Address
add2 = ActiveCell.Offset(allRows - 1, allcols - 1).Address
Set rng = Range(add1, add2)
With our data selected, we need to define our selected numbers, run through the selection and highlight any numbers found.
myNumbers = ",5,27,"
For x = 1 To rng.Rows.Count
For y = 1 To rng.Columns.Count
testNo = "," & rng.Cells(x, y) & ","
If InStr(myNumbers, testNo) > 0 Then
rng.Cells(x, y).Font.Bold = True
End If
The code above is referred to as a nested loop; it's going through the data row by row and column by column to find the numbers. In this example any numbers found are changed to a bold font.
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When lottery researchers want to test a theory, it's a good idea to so some testing on some real data. Dissertation writing services; A typical scenario is to find occurrences of specific numbers in recent results.
Dissertation help; This article explains how to use VBA to accurately highlight specific numbers over recent draws.
Creating The Initial Parameters For The VBA Program
We'll need to establish three main factors.- The initial data set of results
- Where the analysis should start from
- The list of numbers to look for
8 19 26 29 30 33
2 9 12 22 35 39
6 9 12 19 20 31
5 16 20 22 27 29
18 20 35 15 31 2
3 19 20 27 31 35
Next, we need to consider the subset of data to analyse; in this example we'll take the last four lines. Finally, we need to define the numbers the code should look for.
Video for Lottery Numbers Checking:
Creating The VBA Code And Highlighting The Selected Numbers
First, we'll move to where the data is held and create a range. The range is just the data that we want the code to move through. We'll remove the formatting so our code starts again from scratch each time we run it.Dim rng As Range
Next, we'll tell the VBA code how many rows from the bottom we want to use; we're telling it to look at the last 4 draws.
Also, we'll define the paremeters of the data, the number of columns and rows. This will help us create the data range.
myRows = 4
allRows = ActiveCell.End(xlDown).Row
allcols = ActiveCell.End(xlToRight).Column
startRow = allRows - myRows + 1
Now we can actually select the data. If you were to end the program here, you'd see the last four rows of data selected by the cursor.
add1 = Range("a" & startRow).Address
add2 = ActiveCell.Offset(allRows - 1, allcols - 1).Address
Set rng = Range(add1, add2)
With our data selected, we need to define our selected numbers, run through the selection and highlight any numbers found.
myNumbers = ",5,27,"
For x = 1 To rng.Rows.Count
For y = 1 To rng.Columns.Count
testNo = "," & rng.Cells(x, y) & ","
If InStr(myNumbers, testNo) > 0 Then
rng.Cells(x, y).Font.Bold = True
End If
The code above is referred to as a nested loop; it's going through the data row by row and column by column to find the numbers. In this example any numbers found are changed to a bold font.
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Although Excel has its own conditional formatting tools, for lotto research the standard tools won't really do the job, especially for more complex ideas and theories. dissertation services- This is where a little knowledge of VBA can take your lotto research to new heights.
A. Lewis Gibson is a long time student of number systems and
trends. An experienced Excel and VBA programmer, he develops modules for
those interested in creating their own lotto systems. He can be
contacted via his two websites. Excel and VBA programming or VBA modules for lotto research
From: ezinearticles